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Barrel compost / CPP / Fladen

Public domain preparation

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About the Preparation -

  Preparation name Barrel compost / Fladen  
  Preparation category Public domain formulation  
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  Natural Order Min - Animal - Plant  
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  Mother tincture made Other ....  
  General description Maria Thun developed this. She put cow muck mixed with egg shells and basalt in an inverted half-barrel 'spiced' with the biodynamic compost preparations. Nettles can also be added. This is usually spread over the fields or over animal bedding, but has had various creative uses.

To treat one acre, add 1/3 barrel compost to 3 cup gallons water, stir alternating directions, creating vortices for 20 minutes, and apply to bare soil as a spray in the evening. Repeat three times each spring and fall. Also apply to fresh manure as often as needed. Barrel compost is especially useful in problem soils, heavy, cold, poor soils, and also at the start of conversion to organic or biodynamic. It is also great for restoring pastures that are worn out, overgrazed, or have mineral problems.

Effect on plants -

Named Issues
Overgrazing. (265)
Hay production (265)
Frost (432)
Palatability of grazing (433)
Hay (1825)
General Appearance
It is also great for restoring pastures that are worn out, overgrazed, or have mineral problems. (265)
Stem/trunk and bark - capillary system
One farmer was able to double his hay production by using barrel compost weekly on the field (1825)
Many farmers apply it to the field just after the cows have been moved, also running a harrow across to scatter the droppings, and following up with additional applications of homeopathic horn manure eight to 10 days later. This has resulted in up to 33 percent increase in production for fields thus treated. One farmer was able to double his hay production by using barrel compost weekly on the field and also to pretreat his stable manures and compost heap. (265)
A freak frost (29˚F) caught him by surprise ... and he thought he has lost all the foliage on his large crop of miners lettuce. It looked dismal but he decided to try spraying it with barrel compost anyway. The next night it frosted again, but on the following morning he said the plants looked better than they had before the first frost! (432)
... Corry was spraying barrel preparation on our corn ground. After he had finished there there was some left over, so he sprayed a small area of the field were the cows were.... an hour or two later when the cows got up to graze ... the only place they grazed was where Corry had applied the Barrel compost. It was as if there was an invisible fence around the area (433)
Generative organs
Notes and Academic Papers

Effect on Soil -

Soil characterisation
Decomposition of green manure (411)
Soil surface
Top soil
You know that when a seed is sown the first thing it needs to take root, other than water, is air. The root, the radicle has great need of air, oxygen. When you make a green manure, the soil life must digest the mass of green and it must use oxygen which it takes from the soil. Therefore the soil suffers a loss of oxygen when you dig in a green manure. If you sow right away the plant does not grow well because it lacks oxygen. One sould sow when the manure is already digested. The manure from the soil needs to be digested for two months in the cold season or just a month in summer. If we sprayed fladen before digging in the green manure the decomposition time is reduced up to a half so we can sow. (411)
Sub soil
Notes and Academic Papers
Many farmers apply it to the field just after the cows have been moved, also running a harrow across to scatter the droppings, and following up with additional applications of homeopathic horn manure eight to 10 days later. This has resulted in up to 33 percent increase in production (1825)

Effects on compost and manure -



Manure losses (265)
Smell of poultry manure (1825)
Heap surface
.. on fresh manure of all types to stop the noxious odors and preserve the nutrients. We have tried this with remarkable success in our own poultry house. (265)
Inner heap
One highly popular and widely reported application of barrel compost is on fresh manure of all types to stop the noxious odors and preserve the nutrients. We have tried this with remarkable success in our own poultry house. (1825)
Notes and Academic Papers
Three biodynamic preparations viz., Panchagavya (PG), BD500 and ‘Cow pat pit’ (CPP) showed high counts of lactobacilli (109 ml−1) and yeasts (104 ml−1). Actinomycetes were present only in CPP (104 ml−1) and absent in the other two. Seven bacterial isolates from these ferments were identified by a polyphasic approach: Bacillus safensis (PG1), Bacillus cereus (PG2, PG4 PG5), Bacillus subtilis (BD2) Lysinibacillus xylanilyticus (BD3) and Bacillus licheniformis (CPP1). This is the first report of L. xylanilyticus and B. licheniformis in biodynamic preparations. Only three carbon sources—dextrose, sucrose and trehalose out of 21 tested were utilized by all the bacteria. None could utilize arabinose, dulcitol, galactose, inositol, inulin, melibiose, raffinose, rhamnose and sorbitol. All the strains produced indole acetic acid (1.8–3.7 μg ml−1 culture filtrate) and ammonia. None could fix nitrogen; but all except B. safensis and B. licheniformis could solubilize phosphorous from insoluble tri-calcium phosphate. All the strains except L. xylaniliticus exhibited antagonism to the plant pathogen Rhizoctonia bataticola whereas none could inhibit Sclerotium rolfsi. In green house experiment in soil microcosms, bacterial inoculation significantly promoted growth of maize; plant dry weight increased by ~21 % due to inoculation with B. cereus (PG2). (1633)

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