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Materia Medica

Planting by the Stars






Commercial formulation

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About the Preparation -

  Preparation name Basalt formula  
  Preparation category Commercial formulation  
  Manufacturer's name GW Agriculture  
  Natural Order  
  Common Name  
  Latin Name  
  Chemical Formula  
  Mother tincture made Tincture  
  General description Basalt is the physical representation or manifestation of the pure Life Force Energy in material form. As such, it is handy to have but it is to be used extremely sparingly. It can be applied to a field to increase the potency of mineral applications of basalt. When used in this manner, you will find that you need only 10% of the untreated amount of this mineral amendment to achieve the same results. Basalt is used to reestablish balance on tree bark and in prunings, and in areas which have been laid waste by mechanical or chemical means. It also intensifies flavors in fruit and brings high energy to all crops before harvest. It is a universal curative in the same fashion as 505 oak bark calcium and balances 505 very nicely. It can be used wherever healing is needed and there is too much calcium present. That is why it works so well on bark on trees.  

Effect on plants -

Named Issues
Excess calcium (5)
General Appearance
Stem/trunk and bark - capillary system
Re-establishes balance on tree bark (5)
Generative organs
Intentsifies flavours of fruit (5)
Notes and Academic Papers

Effect on Soil -

Soil characterisation
Areas laid waste (5)
Soil surface
Re-establishes balance in areas which have been laid waste by mechanical or chemical means (5)
.. increase[s] the potency of any application of mineral basalt or rock dust. When used in this manner you will find that you will only need 10% of the basalt dust amendment to achieve the same results. (558)
Top soil
Sub soil
Notes and Academic Papers
This preparation is made by stuffing cow horns with fine basalt dust and burying them over the six months of summer. Horn Basalt can be applied to a field as an atmospheric spray to increase the potency of any application of mineral basalt or rock dust. When used in this manner you will find that you will only need 10% of the basalt dust amendment to achieve the same results. Application Rhythmically stir 2gm of Horn Basalt in 35 litres warm water for one hour (as per Horn Silica (BD 501) and spray out into the atmosphere in a fine mist in the afternoon. Horn Basalt can also be stirred and sprayed out in the early morning with Horn Silica Summer Horn Clay and Fresh Equisetum (BD508). Basalt dust used in agriculture has many advantages. It contains micro-nutrients, silicates, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and trace-elements essential to plant growth. Basalt dust is also paramagnetic with some samples being more paramagnetic than others. Basalt dust recreates the glacier experience, for when the rocks are crumbled many enzymes are released as well as lots of trace elements and minerals. As we have not had this experience in Australia for some considerable geological time, rock dust is an important additive to our very leached and mineral depleted soils. (558)

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