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Kali Carbonicum

From the homeopathic pharmacopoeia

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About the Preparation -

  Preparation name Kali Carbonicum  
  Preparation category Homoeopathic remedy  
  Manufacturer's name  
  Natural Order  
  Common Name Potassium carbonate or 'vegetable alkali'  
  Latin Name  
  Chemical Formula K2CO3  
  Mother tincture made Trituration then solution  
  General description The potassium salts form a large part of a plant’s diet, and is therefore a remedy of prime importance where nutrition is impaired or imbalanced. Although differences will be found in its respective constituents, as is the case with the Calcium and Ferrum preparations, yet the Kali symptoms run throughout the pathogenesis (see also Cham)  

Effect on plants -

Named Issues
"Fibrous tissue is weak; flowering and fruit setting impaired. Capillary engorgement, chlorosis, worse in acidic soils. Bronze orange bug. Kali carb. is indicated in any plants that either lack or have too much potassium and calcium. In calcium rich soils, where potassium gets "locked up", in soils with poor calcium content, nutrients do not assimilate. Many nutrient problems" (3)
Deficiency of iron and magnesium, manganese, potassium. Excess calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese and potassium. Brown rot. Premature fruit drop, chlorosis, leaf miners, insects in general. In case of attack musgraveia sulciventris (beetle of citrus). (244)
General Appearance
The plant is worse in windy or cold weather. It is indicated in situations where plants seem to "give out". Chlorosis is an important feature. (3)
Is used in case of sudden collapse of the plant, with veins highlighted. It is applied with dry skin, lack of growth, deformation of insect activity, the fragility of the stem or leaves, stunted growth, collapse, damage to roots, wilt in high temperatures. (244)
The ... Kali increased plant growth and crop yield. (1878)
Damage roots in general, with its dryness, or the accumulation of mucous in them. (244)
Stem/trunk and bark - capillary system
In potassium deficiency there is a sudden collapse of the top layer of cells on the older leaves. There are waterlogged blotches, turning into dead patches. Chlorosis, extending from the margin inwards. The leaves and later the flowers wither and die. puckering of the older leaves: wilting leaves have a dull sheen. Leaves have a dry epidermis, feel brittle, and have yellow or red spots, which are corrosive and destroy surrounding tissue. (3)
Red and yellow spots on leaves (244)
In February we had a sudden cold spell over nearly 4 weeks. Many plants suffered from it. Most of my roses had severe problems. One "died" and I had to replace it with a stronger version. If I had known that aconite is the remedy to give even during winter after a very cold period on sunny days maybe this rose would have made it as well. My neighbour has a cherry tree. The leaves would not grow properly and the bloom died, dried and turned black. This was due to a second very cold and wet period beginning of April. I started with Aconite C200 once. It seemed that some new leaves started to grow. 1 week later I gave kali-c. C200. Many new leaves started to grow, but a fungus was on nearly every leave even the new ones. So I remembered that red dots ask for belladonna and secondly that belladonna is like a hot tea for a tree! So I gave the cherry tree a bell C200 - and only 2 days later the fungus on the leaves started to dry out and the red dots would turn brown and fall out of the leave. This is the second time that I can witness this. So the leave stays on the tree and looks like an Emmenthal cheese. Picture here (339)
Flowers are either abundant in pollen, or have none at all. Fruits drop prematurely, fail to set or ripen. (3)
Malformed flowers, discolored petals, absent or deformed, retarded flowering. (244)
Generative organs
Defective, missing, immature ovaries, shrunken, deformed (244)
Results of controlled trials demonstrated that the use of high-dynamized dilutions of ... Kali Carbonicum 12CH positively influenced crop production, pest disease levels, and plant vigor in strawberry plants. (1795)
The use of the Kali carbonicum assists in the breakage of dormancy and average time of germination in Hypericum perforatum seeds. (1793)
Notes and Academic Papers
This drug has a profound influence on many vital functions within the plant, controls the transmission of signals within it. It mainly affects the vitality of the plant. Worse from cold and wind. Improvement in the heat, wet or dry heat during the day. (244)

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