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Commercial formulation

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About the Preparation -

  Preparation name Ventage  
  Preparation category Commercial formulation  
  Manufacturer's name W.S. PHARMACY & RESEARCH CENTRE  
  Natural Order Various  
  Common Name Various  
  Latin Name  
  Chemical Formula  
  Mother tincture made Solution  
  General description Description Aims & Targets Mode of Actions Formulation How & When How will take the time Toxicity Neem Chamomile DESCRIPTION Ventage is a Homoeopathic natural based broad-spectrum pesticide against Cotton Mealy Bug. In Ventage highly diluted & potentized homoeopathic medicines are used as active ingredients. These medicines are active against Cotton Mealy Bug but not detectable in lab analysis. For detection, Following Mother tinctures used in different ratio 1- Mother tincture of Neem 2- Neem Oil 3- Mother tincture of Chamomile One litre Ventage is contains Mother tincture of Neem = 1 X. 20 % by Total Volume Mother tincture of Chamomile = 1X 10 % by Total Volume Neem Oil 2 % by Total Volume Abies Nigra 300C 18 % by Total Volume Aethiops Mineralis 200C. 20% by Total Volume Cenchris contortix. 300C 20 % by Total Volume Curare 500C 20 % by Total Volume All Formulation prepared in 50 % Alcohol & 50 % distill water.  

Effect on plants -

Named Issues
Cotton Mealy Bug (420)
Cotton Mealy Bug (422)
General Appearance
Thiamethoxam [Actara], Ventage and an untreated control were tested for Cotton Mealy Bug. The figures given for the Actara and Ventage are %age mortality after a single spray on 31-10-2008, compared to the control. Ventage: 3 days 89%, 7 days 83.73% Actara: 3 days 91.43%, 7 days 82.4% (420)
Thiamethoxam [Actara], Ventage and an untreated control were tested for Cotton Mealy Bug. The figures given for the Actara and Ventage are %age mortality after a single spray on 17-10-2009, compared to the control. Ventage: 3 days 86.67%, 7 days 92.24% Actara: 3 days 75.51%, 7 days 93.7% (420)
Thiamethoxam [Actara], Ventage and an untreated control were tested for Cotton Mealy Bug. The figures given for the Actara and Ventage are %age mortality after a single spray on 28-10-2008, compared to the control. Nymphs and Adults were counted separately. Adults
Ventage: 3 days 98.82%, 7 days 100%
Actara: 3 days 99.33%, 7 days 99.33%
Ventage: 3 days 98.27%, 7 days 99.57%
Actara: 3 days 95.07%, 7 days 99.29%
Figures for 2009 - otherwise identical procedures as above even to date of single application being 28-10-2009: Adults
Ventage: 3 days 86.33%, 7 days 95.48%
Actara: 3 days 98.00%, 7 days 97.75%
Ventage: 3 days 89.29%, 7 days 97.94%
Actara: 3 days 93.45%, 7 days 98.96%
Profenofos ['Curacron'] and Ventage used on Cotton FH2007 (2008) and cotton FH901 (2009). Figures quoted are mortality %ages compared to a control at 24 hours, 48 hours and 96 hours:
Ventage: 24hr - 69.88% 48hr - 80% 96hr - 75.36%
Profenofos: 24hr - 77.56% 48 hr - 81.82% 96hr - 78.83%
Ventage: 24hr - 64.50% 48hr - 76.46% 96hr - 65.60%
Profenofos: 24hr - 64.61% 48 hr - 74.92% 96hr - 62.76%
Stem/trunk and bark - capillary system
Generative organs
Notes and Academic Papers

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