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Planting by the Stars






Cuprum Metallicum

From the homeopathic pharmacopoeia

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About the Preparation -

  Preparation name Cuprum Metallicum  
  Preparation category Homoeopathic remedy  
  Manufacturer's name  
  Natural Order  
  Common Name Copper  
  Latin Name  
  Chemical Formula Cu  
  Mother tincture made Trituration  
  General description  

Effect on plants -

Named Issues
Copper deficiencies and excesses, fruit drop, flower drop excessive. Only 1-2% of flowers have set fruit. Premature fruit drop. Anomalies of flowering and fruiting. Early abscission of leaves. (3)
Scale insects (337)
Blight (337)
Powdery Mildew (337)
Downy mildew (337)
Fungus (337)
Blight (337)
Blackc spot (337)
Excessive growth (337)
Fungus (1763)
Fungal disease (1810)
Orange rusts (1810)
Striped beetles (1810)
lilac blight (Pseudomonas syringae) (1534)
General Appearance
"Sometimes plants smell rotten, although no rotting tissue can be found, and no unusual symptoms are in evidence. The plant seems to require more water and nutrients; there is chlorosis after excess iron." (3)
overall the plant appeared healthy, only the flowers affected - well established plant (1534)
Roots appear speckled white. (3)
Stem/trunk and bark - capillary system
Brown areas (337)
Rust coloured stalks (337)
Brown areas (337)
Affected shoots bend easily, wither and die. New shoots emerge lower in the tree or plant producing branches that look like mistletoe on the shoot tips. Because shoots do not mature, fruit setting and flowering are either totally absent, or impaired (3)
Look sticky with tiny white patches of mould which later join up (337)
Turn brown to black and wilt quickly (337)
White coat on underside of leaves that can be wiped off (337)
Grey to grey-vilolet coating underneath leaves (337)
Blackish spots. Brown leaves which wilt quickly. Blackish mould layer. (337)
Turn brown to black and wilt quickly (337)
black star-shaped spots on green leaves after damp and humidity (337)
Slowed down beetles (1810)
flower buds and blossoms dark brown/black and wilted (1534)
Generative organs
Pollen but sterility (3)
Brown rot in tomatoes (337)
... a fungal infestation ... caused the grapes to rot and turn black. I advised the farmers to make a homeopathic mixture of sulphur and copper ... After treatment ... the plants healed in three days, and the grapes were ready for harvest. (1763)
Notes and Academic Papers
Worse from damp (337)
Insects, plants in general. Important 'pesticide' for cabbage, eggplant, squashes, cucumber, potato, wine vines, and fruit trees. (1810)
In warm and humid spring weather a lilac showed wilting and blackening blossoms. Sprayed foliage and blossoms (sparingly) with Cuprum 30c in water, one time. Due to lack of time, the diseased tissues were not removed. In the following weeks the blossoms dried up. No further evidence of disease. One month later the considerable amount of new growth looks perfectly healthy. (1534)

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