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Coccinella Septempunctata

From the homeopathic pharmacopoeia

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About the Preparation -

  Preparation name Coccinella  
  Preparation category Homoeopathic remedy  
  Manufacturer's name  
  Natural Order Coleoptera  
  Common Name Ladybird  
  Latin Name Coccinella septempunctata  
  Chemical Formula  
  Mother tincture made Tincture of live insect  
  General description  

Effect on plants -

Named Issues
Aphids (3)
Aphids (332)
Aphids (496)
Aphids (496)
Aphids (496)
Whitefly (496)
Black fly (496)
Aphid - unsuccessful (496)
Black aphids (496)
Aphids (496)
Woolly Aphids (336)
Aphids (1759)
Aphids (1876)
General Appearance
Coccinella sprayed on the aphid rapidly diminishes the populations. Aphids pierce and suck, drawing sap from plants, preferably young shoots and buds, the latter producing deformed flowers. Some aphids form galls, attacking root system as well. (3)
Black aphids on blackberry, roses, and cucumbers were watered and sprayed on 3 successive days. After 3 further days, there were no more aphids to be seen. (496)
Rose mallow indoors with aphid (green) infestation was watered once with Coccinella 6D (3 pellets in 10 liters water). No significant improvement in the aphids could be seen (496)
3 pellets in 10 liters watered once to combat black aphids on guelder rose - after two weeks, there were no more aphids to be seen. (496)
Watering of the plants. All aphids had disappeared within 2-3 days. I only had to spray again 3 months later, and then it was just as successful as the first time. (496)
Hellebores - normally infested with woolly aphids, very few this past summer (336)
Stem/trunk and bark - capillary system
PICTURES: Contrasting apple trees, treated and untreated in New Zealand. (332)
Leafroller - coccinella, was not successful. Unfortunately as we are a commercial orchard we had to spray in the end. Interesting to note that the less healthy plants attract the leafroller firstly. (Report of experience in NZ.) (336)
A colleague and i planted a rosebed of 65-70 roses under a mature sycamore tree last autumn. When the tree came into leaf, it was infested with aphids which were falling down on the roses. I gave one application of coccinella at the recommended rate over 3 months ago and the roses are clear. There were a couple of minor outbreaks since, but by then there were ladybirds around, so i let nature take over. (213)
Secondly, there was a perennial bed with blocks of hellebores which were literally crawling with aphids - i havent seen anything this bad. I applied the remedy and the next day the aphids were dead (dont understand how) and the plants have been clear since. My work colleagues are sceptical of homeopathy and are in to spraying pesticides - after showing these results to them, they have stopped. (213)
Aphids regularly attacked young plants in initial years....Homeopathic remedy Coccinella septempunctata worked like a charm in most of the cases. (1759)
A colleague and i planted a rosebed of 65-70 roses under a mature sycamore tree last autumn. When the tree came into leaf, it was infested with aphids which were falling down on the roses. I gave one application of coccinella at the recommended rate over 3 months ago and the roses are clear. There were a couple of minor outbreaks since, but by then there were ladybirds around, so i let nature take over. (1840)
Last year I treated a snowball plant that had aphids with coccinella- it worked really well! (1876)
Deformed by aphids (3)
Green aphids on the tips of the rose shoots: Coccinella 6 was sprayed and after about 3 days there were no more aphids to be seen. Unfortunately they reappeared and a further spraying with Coccinella did not help. Then I sprayed with Chrysoperla carnea and the aphids were gone - so far (approx 3 months), they haven't returned on the roses I treated. (496)
Green aphids on roses, sprayed 1x with the sprayer, the rest were watered on the roots. After approx 1 week, the aphids had disappeared. (496)
Green aphids on the tips of rose shoots, 3x sprayed with diminishing dosage on the days indicated by the planting calendar. Aphids diminished and had disappeared after 14 days. (496)
Pot plant was badly infested with whitefly. Watering with Coccinella 6 showed no effect. After 1x spraying of the leaves, the whitefly were all dead by the next day. The infestation recurred a week later, and a repeated single spraying was just as successful as the first time. (496)
Secondly, there was a perennial bed with blocks of hellebores which were literally crawling with aphids - i havent seen anything this bad. I applied the remedy and the next day the aphids were dead (dont understand how) and the plants have been clear since. (1840)
Generative organs
Notes and Academic Papers
Coccinella has been used extensively with good results, usually requiring only a single dose. Overdosing will attract aphids to a plant, with the result being repeated aphid infestations. (3)

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