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Calcarea Carbonica

From the homeopathic pharmacopoeia

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About the Preparation -

  Preparation name Calcarea Carbonica  
  Preparation category Homoeopathic remedy  
  Manufacturer's name  
  Natural Order  
  Common Name Calcium carbonate  
  Latin Name  
  Chemical Formula CaCO3  
  Mother tincture made Trituration of the middle layer of oyster shells  
  General description It is essential to have an intimate acquaintance with the Calcium preparations, as they are pivotal to the understanding of homoeopathy as a whole, and its application in agriculture in particular. Calc. preparations have a wide range and a deep action. Handle with care is not an unnecessary precaution. Too much dosing can set up severe aggravation in the crop and it is difficult to counteract it, as Calc. carb. is an important constituent in the plant body. Calcium, being a building block in plants, has a consequent low mobility. (Epstein 1972)  

Effect on plants -

Named Issues
Calcium deficiency as in bitter pit in apples, calcium excess on calcium rich soils. Plants obese, with soft fibre, pale, chalky look in stems and leaves. Damping off. Nitrogen excess. Anthracnose. Thrips. (3)
Water Consumption (244)
Anthracnose Coleotrichum gloeosporioides (244)
Heat (496)
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (1720)
Seedling development (1757)
White mould (1773)
Apple canker (1787)
Blossom end rot (1787)
Promotes growth and fruit production (1810)
Velvetbean - Anticarsia gemmatalis (1816)
Plants don't respond to fertility (1837)
General Appearance
Growth is irregular, late starters. Weaker in cold weather and rainy storms. Damping off in cereals and turf. Plants will look pale and collapse. Over - seeding will produce wrinkled, twisted and distorted plants. No firmness, plant appears bloated, obese. very t hristy plants. (3)
Stunted growth, wilted plants on weak stems which break easily (337)
Plant fails to thrive (337)
There was no reduction in AUDPC for treatments compared to control. (1770)
The treatments .... Calcarea carbonica 12CH, and Calcarea carbonica 48CH presented resistance inducing action by slowing down [Sclerotinia sclerotiorum] progression up to 83% and decreasing the number of dead plants up to 90%. (1778)
Short and Brown (3)
Relates to the development of roots ... The roots seem old and may have gelatinous appearance. Short and poorly developed roots (244)
A rhododendron planted last autumn suffered greatly in the summer heatwave. It always looked as if it was short of water. I thought it hadn't properly put down roots in its new location. I then watered it with a single dose of Calc. carb. 6D (5 ml / 10 liters water), from which time it has seemed pretty robust. Let's see what happens in winter and how it blooms in spring. (496)
.... Calcarea ... increased root system development. (1878)
Stem/trunk and bark - capillary system
Increased water consumption (244)
Stalks too weak for the plant (337)
Apple canker is a fungal disease causing disfiguring and sunken patches of dead bark on the branches of apple and some other trees. Infections often begin at wounds or buds. Bitter pit. This disorder is caused by low levels of calcium in the fruit. (1787)
Red margins on leaves, leaves yellow, sometimes swollen. Pale chalky. (3)
Red or yellow discoloration of the margins of leaves. Chlorosis with yellow or pinkish venous system highlighted (244)
Pale in lime deficient soils (337)
Flowers too early, premature. Reduced flowering period. Flowers do not last. (3)
Poor flowering and short-lived. Early in barley (244)
Generative organs
Fruits do not set or mature. Small and shrivelled. Spongy feel in seeds and fruits. Premature fruit dropping (3)
Slow ripening fruit of coffee, fruits that fall prematurely, are tiny or absent, (244)
Blossom end rot caused by calcium deficiency ... All unaffected tomatoes remained healthy and produced a good crop (1787)
Sterility of seed in fruit crops. Spongey seeds (3)
Sterile fruit (244)
Notes and Academic Papers
Aggravation with the cold, too much production of fruits or flowers. Amelioration by dry weather and heat. (244)
Sensitive to cold (337)
Although no statistical difference for variable number of sclerotia, some drugs such as Phosphorus 24 and 36CH and Calcarea carbonica 24CH, reduced this parameter up 45%, 37% and 32%, respectively, the number of sclerotia when compared to control water. (1720)
In the development of analysis it was observed that in almost all parameters evaluated the medicine Carbo vegetabillis 6CH, followed by Calcarea carbonica 12CH, Silicea terra 12CH, Phosphorus 12CH, Pulsatilla nigricans 12CH and the preparation of Acai 12CH contributed to a better performance of the seedlings. (1757)
C. carbonica 12CH ... provided better performance in the development of passion fruit plants with an increase in the main morphological attributes. (1770)
In vitro: Calcarea carbonica at the dynamization of 1000 CH showed the best inhibitory effect on S. sclerotiorum, which under its effect produced a mycelial halo 40% smaller than the control treatment. (1773)
In vitro tests showed that the treatments ... Calcarea carbonica 48CH slowed down the mycelial growth. The latter also completely inhibited the production of sclerotia. (1778)
At the beginning and at the end of the 4th instar, caterpillars fed soybean leaves treated with homeopathic substances showed reduced body weight relative to the distilled water control (1816)
Plants that do not respond to fertility. Occurrence of chlorosis, seedlings sensitive to cold and delay in emission of new roots. In cases of slow plant development and yellowing of leaves. Its action is slow, so plants that are slow to grow or flower (1837)

Effect on Soil -

Soil characterisation
Soil surface
Top soil
Good fertiliser for lime-deficient soil (337)
there was decrease of OE ... Calcarea carbonica 47,5%, (1747)
Sub soil
Notes and Academic Papers

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