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From the homeopathic pharmacopoeia

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About the Preparation -

  Preparation name Belladonna  
  Preparation category Homoeopathic remedy  
  Manufacturer's name  
  Natural Order Solanacae  
  Common Name deadly nightshade  
  Latin Name Atroppa belladonna  
  Chemical Formula  
  Mother tincture made Tincture - whole plant when flowering  
  General description "Grows in dry soil on the slopes of hills. In plants, it has been used with very good results on rust in fruit trees. Bell. acts on all parts of the organism. Sensitivity to light (Acon.) is a leading feature, making for leaves that either do not open, or burn. Sensitivity to changes from warm to cold in damp weather and draughts of air. Belladonna, like Aconite, is fast acting, consequently for symptoms that develop rapidly. Heat, redness and burning. Darker red than Acon. Red with orange margins (Acon. red and yellow). Purple red, orangey yellow. Red parts such as flowers and fruit look pale. Blistering from heat. Swelling and bluish redness. Sunburn. Windburn. Bell. has been used for the dark rusts with excellent results."  

Effect on plants -

Named Issues
Carnation rust, fuchsia rust, iris rust, peach rust, raspberry rust. Rust with orange margins, darker red than Aconite; worse cold damp weather. (cold, dry; Acon.) Barley yellow dwarf virus, white florets, where other colour is healthy. Take all, anthracnose. Acacia spotting bug. Banana rust thrips, rust mite. (3)
Apple rust (219)
Downy mildew on grapevines (496)
Rust on roses (496)
Rust on roses (496)
Sunburn (496)
Rust on corn (611)
Leaf cutter ants (1733)
Corynespora cassiicola (1761)
Ants (1776)
Rust on a young pear tree (1534)
Ants (1837)
General Appearance
This [Pictures] is what became of my dwarf pomegranate (scorched by the sun). Treated once with Belladonna 200 C. I'm delighted :-) The plant has lost all the scorched leaves, has vigorously put out new shoots, has roughly doubled in size, and has also produced a few new flowers. (496)
Sudden onset of ailments (337)
The plant wilts quickly and leaves turn reddish brown or red spots - from long cold wet summers. (1810)
The classic rust presentation, orange rusty-looking spots on leaves (1534)
Reddish-brown leaves after cold heat or sunburn (337)
Stem/trunk and bark - capillary system
From the tip down the leaf blotches, turning red on older leaves, while the younger, shows the interveinal chlorosis. The varieties that turn yellow/orange should be treated with Acon. Red spots, rust, sometimes oozing sap, red, purple or bluish. Swelling of eruptions. Rust with orange or dark yellow margins. Dark brown spots. Roots shiny and swollen or dry and swollen. Gangrenous parts of stems, leaves and flowers. Red spots the colour of blood. (3)
... I also used Belladona on apple rust and it worked very well (219)
Report from an organic agriculture consultant based in New Zealand: One of my winegrowers in this region reported that he had stopped a case of pero (peronospora or downy mildew) in his Pinot gris and Sauvignon Blanc, which we had confirmed 4 weeks previously (oily spots on about 10% of the leaves), thanks to a dose of the belladonna 6D on leaf and soil. There was no pero on the grapes, which will be harvested next week or the week after. He's already looking forward to a good quality and medium-high harvest. So that's my report from the "Sarauer" vine region. (496)
Roses already affected by rose rust were watered in 3 separate groups: the 1st group were given Aconitum (3 pellets in a watering can of water), the 2nd group were given Belladonna, and the 3rd group were given pure water (on the soil). Each group was treated once only. Result: the group that were given pure water without a homeopathic remedy largely died off and had to be strongly cut back. The other two groups lost the affected leaves but they retained the less affected and newer leaves, so that they did not have to be cut back so strongly next spring. (496)
This year I watered once a month with Acon. 30C and Bell. 30C, very large flowers, stronger plants and so far very few rust spots on the leaves. (496)
Sunburn on Ficus When we clearing up last summer, our more than 10-year-old ficus was put in the yard in strong sun for 2 days and was affected by severe sunburn, which it showed no sign of recovering from after several months. Almost all the leaves turned gray-white and brown and curled up, as can still be soon on a few leaves, and it lost more than 50% of its foliage by late autumn. It looked miserable and dried-up right through the winter. Despite our efforts to take care of it, there was almost no new growth and we thought we had lost it. Yet Belladonna 30C (major remedy for sunburn) and Causticum 30C (remedy for burns, dried out and "contracted like a tendinous contracture"), once only in the irrigation water, helped speedily, where all had seemed lost. After just one week, in late winter, the first shoots appeared and after a few weeks it was back to its old glory, looking if anything better than before, with an even fuller foliage. On a few leaves that survived the sunburn, you can still see some bleached and brown remnants of the plant's trauma. (496)
In February we had a sudden cold spell over nearly 4 weeks. Many plants suffered from it. Most of my roses had severe problems. One "died" and I had to replace it with a stronger version. If I had known that aconite is the remedy to give even during winter after a very cold period on sunny day's maybe this rose would have made it as well. My neighbour has a cherry tree. The leaves would not grow properly and the bloom died, dried and turned black. This was due to a second very cold and wet period beginning of April. I started with Aconite C200 once. It seemed that some new leaves started to grow. 1 week later I gave kali-c. C200. Many new leaves started to grow, but a fungus was on nearly every leave even the new ones. So I remembered that red dots ask for belladonna and secondly that belladonna is like a hot tea for a tree! So I gave the cherry tree a bell C200 - and only 2 days later the fungus on the leaves started to dry out and the red dots would turn brown and fall out of the leave. This is the second time that I can witness this. So the leave stays on the tree and looks like an Emmenthal cheese. Picture here (339)
Brown red colour after prolonged rain. (337)
Once i tried belladonna on maize...i think it works faster than everyone. The photos you have seen. Rust on maize. (611)
Ant balance: apply (spray) on leaves (crop plants or where the ant walks). The results are: the ants cut smaller and smaller pieces, the fungus decreases in volume, the ants become increasingly slower, the ant population decreases. Recommended power 30CH. (1837)
Generative organs
Notes and Academic Papers
A source of warmth - it 'warms' the plant (337)
Assessments of the number of ants in activities were held before each of the 10 applications, and 20 days after the last application, by counting ants carrying plant tissue. The homeopathic preparation of triturated ants was the most efficient in reducing ants foraging, followed by macerate ant preparation individuals and the homeopathy Belladonna, standing out clearly from the control without intervention. (1733)
All dilutions of Belladonna (6, 12, 24, 30dH) were effective (p <0.05) in reducing the mycelial growth [in vitro] of C. cassiicola compared to control (Figure 1). Belladonna 30dH was higher in all periods and the difference increased with time. Dilutions 6, 12 and 24dH showed intermediate values but always higher than the control (Figure 1). (1761)
Belladonna ... reduced the activity level of the ants beginning with the sixth day after the first treatment application; the activity level reduction effect lasted more than 20 days after the last application. (1776)
Symptoms are sudden. The remedy acts as a source of heat and will warm the plant. (1810)
Last year this young tree had rust, after trying several other remedies Belladonna cured rapidly. This year I caught the rust early and the affected leaves healed, and the tree seemed to have extremely rapid healthy growth in the two or three weeks following the treatment. (1534)

Effects on compost and manure -



Heap surface
Inner heap
Notes and Academic Papers
A source of warmth - it 'warms' the plant (337)
Assessments of the number of ants in activities were held before each of the 10 applications, and 20 days after the last application, by counting ants carrying plant tissue. The homeopathic preparation of triturated ants was the most efficient in reducing ants foraging, followed by macerate ant preparation individuals and the homeopathy Belladonna, standing out clearly from the control without intervention. (1733)
All dilutions of Belladonna (6, 12, 24, 30dH) were effective (p <0.05) in reducing the mycelial growth [in vitro] of C. cassiicola compared to control (Figure 1). Belladonna 30dH was higher in all periods and the difference increased with time. Dilutions 6, 12 and 24dH showed intermediate values but always higher than the control (Figure 1). (1761)
Belladonna ... reduced the activity level of the ants beginning with the sixth day after the first treatment application; the activity level reduction effect lasted more than 20 days after the last application. (1776)
Symptoms are sudden. The remedy acts as a source of heat and will warm the plant. (1810)
Last year this young tree had rust, after trying several other remedies Belladonna cured rapidly. This year I caught the rust early and the affected leaves healed, and the tree seemed to have extremely rapid healthy growth in the two or three weeks following the treatment. (1534)
A good compost starter as it generates heat in the compost accelerating decomposition (337)

Effects on Climate -

Visual symptoms
Notes and Academic Papers

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